Oct 23, 2016
Exploring the Relationship among Economy, Power and Inequality
It was a very rewarding and touching experience to read Dancing and Carousing the Night Away by Hunter and African Path to the Middle...
Oct 14, 2016
Housing Segregation Today Explained by the Past
City of American Dreams by Margaret Garb vividly depicts the life in Chicago after civil war. In a historical context, Garb argues that...
Sep 30, 2016
Unmentioned Down Sides of Globalization: Do Good for “the Rich”
Stephanie Black’s documentary film, Life and Debt, powerfully critiques globalization, and points out specifically its damaging effects...
Sep 15, 2016
Atlantic Slave Trade: African Paths to the Middle Passage
In African Paths to the Middle Passage, Chapter 3 of the Slave Ship, Marcus Rediker discusses the slave sources of Atlantic Slave Trade...

Sep 11, 2016
Race and the Color Line in Baseball: Latinos in the Shadow of Integration
In the lecture of Prof Adrian Burgos, Jr, he introduced: Vincent Irwin, (Vincent "Sandy" Nava), •First Mexican American player in the...

Sep 2, 2016
Inequality in a Historical Context: Dancing and Carousing the Night Away
Dancer at a Juke Joint, photo achieved from http://porterbriggs.com/juke-joints/ Reading reflection on Dancing and Carousing the Night...