Applied Mathematician & Computational Artist & Freelance Photographer
Large-scale Study on Geometric Patterns and Veination Networks of Grasshopper Wings
Spring 2023 -Present
Advisor: Prof. Christopher Rycroft
Collaborators: Danyun He∗, Alissa Doucet, Bruno de Medeiros, Seth Donoughe (∗Equal contribution)
Insect wings represent a remarkable achievement of evolution and biological engineering. They possess qualities of being lightweight, strong, durable, and flexible, which are made possible by the presence of ”wing veins”, the thickened, structure-like elements embedded within the wing’s surface [1].
Working with my colleague Danyun He, under the guidance of our advisor Prof. Christopher Rycroft, and collaborating with Dr. Seth Donoughe from the University of Chicago and Dr. Bruno de Medeiros at the Fields Museum Chicago, I am studying the biological development and characteristics of grasshopper wings.
The project started in early 2023. I have digitized over 3000 wings from a collection of 5000 specimens of grasshoppers at the Fields Museum Chicago. For each wing, I take high resolution z-stack images in both reflected light and transmitted light, as shown in the figures below.

Using a combination of ML (Segment Anything [2]) and computer vision (flood fill algorithm) tools to segment wings from the images, and using a custom-trained ML software, cellpose [3], to segment the cells inside the wings, I can obtain a corresponding binary venation network. As shown in the figures below.

From the segmentation, I then obtain polygonal representations of the cells, and the corresponding venation networks of the wings. I can study cell geometries, vein thickness and venation network topology for individual wings, as shown below.

With the large dataset, I can perform inter-species and inter-population comparative analysis of wings pattern statistics in each common inter-vein regions, and compute an average wing.
To enable the inter-species and inter-population comparative analysis, a critical step is to map all wings to a common reference wing space. The task is not trivial and requires the wing boundaries and the common primary veins to match. Existing methods cannot accomplish the goal. In a failed try, I used a software based on quasi-conformal mapping [4]. However, due to angle changes during the nonlinear mapping, the result is not physically reasonable with curly veins (Figure below, (d)). Instead, I am implementing a custom-designed mapping technique. First, I put corresponding points in each wing, selected in systematic ways (end points of veins, and evenly spaced points on the veins in between the end points). I then define triangles in a systematic way using the corresponding points for all wings. Then, through affine transformation for each pair of triangles, I can find a map that match the shape, veins and preserve the straightness of the veins (Figure below, (c)). Via further refinement of the points and triangles, I can obtain a finer map with better boundary matching. I am also investigating polynomial least-square mapping using the points only (without the triangles), for a differentiable and better map.

Figure: Mapping of a specific wing W to the common reference wing space S.
The goal is to match the boundaries and the common primary veins.
(a,b,c) Showing a successful try via triangle mapping.
(d) A failed try via quasi-conformalmapping, where the veins become curly after mapping.
The end goals for the project are to:
(1) Understand the statistics from an evolutionary biology perspective, relating the similarities and differences of wings across populations to the different local environment that the grasshoppers lived in;
(2) Understand the mechanical and functional properties of the grasshopper wings through analysis of the cell geometries and vein structures;
(3) Come up with a generative model of wing patterns, capturing the cell and vein characteristics.
[1] Jordan Hoffmann, Seth Donoughe, Kathy Li, Mary K. Salcedo, and Chris H. Rycroft. A simple developmental model recapitulates complex insect wing venation patterns. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 115(40):9905–9910, 2018.
[2] Alexander Kirillov, Eric Mintun, Nikhila Ravi, Hanzi Mao, Chloe Rolland, Laura Gustafson, Tete Xiao, Spencer Whitehead, Alexander C. Berg, Wan-Yen Lo, Piotr Doll ́ar, and Ross Girshick. Segment anything. arXiv:2304.02643, 2023.
[3] Carsen Stringer, Tim Wang, Michalis Michaelos, and Marius Pachitariu. Cellpose: a generalist algorithm for cellular segmentation. Nature Methods, page 100–106, 2021.
[4] G. P. T. Choi and L. Mahadevan. Planar morphometrics using teichm ̈uller maps. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, page 20170905, 2018.